Solveum makes solutions for the packaging market

Special fields

Tamper evidence solutions for pharma packages

Labels, folding box designs, capsules for jars.

Compliance with FMD (Falsified Medicines Directive) and european and international standards.

Here's how we handle your personal information: At Solveum we collect, store and process personal data in various contexts. This work is ultimately regulated by the data protection regulation. Here you will find information on how we work with personal data to give you the best possible service and at the same time protect your personal privacy. The EU Data Protection Ordinance - often referred to as GDPR - applies as law throughout the EU. The purpose of the regulation is to strengthen the protection of personal data and thus the protection of personal privacy. In addition to the EU regulation, personal data management in Sweden is also regulated in, for example, the Data Protection Act. The EU Data Protection Regulation sets the following requirements for us:

  • We must have a legal basis for collecting and using the personal data. Legal grounds are consent, legal obligation, agreement or that a task is of general interest.
  • We will not collect or process more personal data than necessary. Neither should we store the data any longer than we need and we must not use them for purposes other than the original one.
  • We shall have control over and keep a register of all personal data processing that we do and with what basis we do it.
  • We shall ensure that suppliers that we employ and who take part of personal data from us ensure that they also comply with the data protection regulation. We regulate this through so-called personal data assistance agreements.
  • At your request, we will correct or delete information about you or remove you completely from our records. However, this does not always apply because there may be requirements in law or regulation that mean that we must retain certain tasks, such as decisions relating to the exercise of authority.
  • If you so wish, we will provide you with information about which personal information we have on you.
The regulation also requires us to have good procedures to ensure that we comply with the above and also procedures for reporting incidents, which entail a risk that we will lose personal data to unauthorized persons. Such incidents must be reported to the Data Inspection, which is the authority that has supervisory responsibility for the data protection regulation.

© Solveum 2019